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Airbus A320 keluarga terdiri dari pendek untuk
jarak menengah, sempit-tubuh, komersial penumpang bermesin jet
airlinersmanufactured oleh Airbus. keluarga termasuk A318, A319, A320 dan A321,
serta pesawat jet bisnis ACJ. The A320 juga bernama A320ceo (pilihan mesin saat
ini) setelah pengenalan A320neo. perakitan akhir dari keluarga berlangsung di
Toulouse, Perancis, dan Hamburg, Jerman. Sebuah pabrik di Tianjin, Cina, juga
telah memproduksi pesawat untuk penerbangan Cina sejak tahun 2009. Pembangunan
fasilitas produksi baru di Mobile, Alabama dimulai pada 2013. Keluarga pesawat
dapat menampung hingga 220 penumpang dan memiliki jangkauan 3.100 sampai 12.000
km (1.700 ke 6.500 nm), tergantung pada model. Anggota pertama dari A320
keluarga-A320-diluncurkan pada Maret 1984, pertama kali terbang pada tanggal 22
Februari 1987, dan pertama kali disampaikan pada bulan Maret 1988. Keluarga
A320 mempelopori penggunaan sistem kontrol penerbangan digital fly-by-wire,
serta kontrol sisi-stick, di pesawat komersial. Telah ada proses perbaikan yang
terus menerus sejak diperkenalkan. Pada 29 Februari 2016, total 6932 pesawat
Airbus A320-keluarga telah disampaikan, yang 6631 dalam pelayanan. Selain itu,
lain 5.531 pesawat yang berada di urutan perusahaan. Ini peringkat sebagai
penjualan tercepat keluarga pesawat jet di dunia menurut catatan dari 2005
sampai 2007, dan sebagai program pesawat single-generasi terlaris. Keluarga
A320 telah terbukti populer dengan penerbangan termasuk murah operator seperti
EasyJet, Air asia. yang dibeli A319 dan A320 untuk menggantikan 737 armada.
Airbus A320 family consists of short to medium range, narrow-body, commercial passenger jets airlinersmanufactured by Airbus. Family includes the A318, A319, A320 and A321, as well as the ACJ business jet. The A320 also named A320ceo (current engine option) after the introduction of the A320neo. final assembly of the family took place in Toulouse, France and Hamburg, Germany. A factory in Tianjin, China, has also been producing aircraft for Chinese airlines since 2009. Construction of a new production facility in Mobile, Alabama in 2013. Family aircraft can accommodate up to 220 passengers and has a range of 3,100 to 12,000 km (1,700 to 6,500 nm) , depending on the model. The first member of the A320-A320 family-launched in March 1984, first flew on February 22, 1987, and was first presented in March 1988. The A320 family pioneered the use of digital flight control system fly-by-wire, as well as side-stick control , in commercial aircraft. There has been a process of continuous improvement since its introduction. On February 29, 2016, a total of 6932 Airbus A320-family aircraft have been delivered, which is 6631 in the service. In addition, another 5,531 aircraft, which ranks the company. It ranks as the fastest selling jetliner family in the world according to records from 2005 to 2007, and as a single-generation aircraft program bestseller. A320 family has proved popular with low-cost carriers such as EasyJet included, Air asia. purchased A319 and A320 to replace the 737 fleet.
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